Friday, December 29, 2017

WebDriver Find out the substring from existing text on web page

WebDriver Find out the substring from existing text on web page

How to find out substring from existing text on web page using Selenium WebDriver

  •        Define Firefox Browser and open the Firefox Browser
  •       Open the URL (Website)
  •    Assign the text on String Variable
  •    Find out the substring from string and assign on String Variable 
  •        Verify Assigned Text is matched with existing text on webpage

Selenium Code:

package Selenium_WebDriver;



public classGet_Substring_frm_StringText {

       public static void main(String arg[]) {


              //Define the Webdriver for Browser i.e. Firefox

              WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();


              //Open the URL (Website)



              //Assign the text on String Variable

              String textonWebpage = "Selenium is a suite of tools";


              //Find out the substring from string and assign on String Variable

              String SubString_textonWebpage = textonWebpage.substring(9, 19);


              // Verify Assigned Text is matched with existing text on webpage (Text taken from Page HTML view source using right click on webpage)

              if(driver.getPageSource().contains(textonWebpage)) {

                  System.out.println("Webpage contains Text = " + textonWebpage);

                  System.out.println("Webpage contains Substring Text = " + SubString_textonWebpage);


              else  {

                     System.out.println("Webpage NOT contains Text = " + textonWebpage);

                     System.out.println("Webpage NOT contains Substring Text = " + SubString_textonWebpage);




go to link download
alternative link download

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