Monday, January 8, 2018

How to get free traffic to your blog Part 3

How to get free traffic to your blog Part 3

How to get free traffic to your blog Part 3

This is the third part of our get free traffic to your blog/site. Here are some more ways to get your blog free traffic.

11. Do serious Keyword research

If you really want to drive traffic to your website then you should do serious Keyword research on Google Adwords Keyword Tool. Google adwords keyword tool is absolutely free and it gives very good results. If you log in Google adwords then you can download the keyword results and analyse them. You need to find out the exact phrases which people are typing into search engines. There are free tools available for this, but theyre not nearly as useful as the more comprehensive paid tools. For example, if youre using the Overture keyword tool for your research, be warned, its results cant be trusted. The Overture tool is useful to give you a quick rough guide, but NOT for serious research. "The harder it is to discover a certain search phrase (getting traffic), the less competition you will have in the SERPs (for that search phrase). If a keyword research tool is free and popular, how many competitors will you have for the phrases you discover there?

12. Page titles Experiment

Heres a good way increase your traffic. Go to Google and type any phrase into the search box. Look at the titles of the websites in the top 10 rankings. Which ones catch your eye and tempt you to click on the link? Some are dreadfully stodgy, boring. Some are merely a long list of keywords. Some are good. Some are junk. Good titles are written for search engines AND humans. Now look at the titles on your site. Start with your most important pages.

 Rewrite them to make them more eye-catching. Now go to Google and do a search of your site like this ��. Study the page titles. If you own a large site created over many years, you may be horribly embarrassed at just how BAD some of your page titles are. Do you want to find some examples of good titles? Simply go to Google and do some more searches. Dont stick to your industry. Type in all sorts of different phrases and study the titles that appear in the top 10. Youll soon be brimming with ideas on ways you can improve your page titles.

Checking how enticing the information is in your meta description tag can help, too. Some search engines display this information in their search results. If you have a well established site, you may have written many of your page titles and meta descriptions years ago when you knew less about marketing than you do now. If so, its time for another look at them.

13. Do more than just SEO

To make your blog popular you dont just have to do SEO. You should write posts that are  worthy of reading. Here is a word from a successful blogger John Chow:
Dont write posts for Google, write posts for readers and people. Google loves Blogs and blog posts which are written for readers and people. Google says itself: If you will write posts for readers then people will come on your blog and like it and come back.

14. Organic SEO - a Few Key Points.

Search engines are getting cleverer all the time. You can try to outsmart them but to me it makes more sense to work WITH them. Theyre gradually getting better at sifting out low quality websites and ranking them poorly. So build high quality websites containing genuinely useful material that other people want to link to. The basics of good search engine optimization are fairly simple. Heres a very quick summary:

�You need to make it easy for a search engine to figure out the topic of your page.
�Find appropriate keywords or key phrases and use them in the title, in the page heading, in the introduction, throughout the article, in the meta description, in alt tags, at the end of the article, in links on the page, in bold or italics, and perhaps in a list on the page.
�Use key phrases in your file names, for example: keyword1-keyword2.html.
�Use synonyms and word variations naturally throughout the page.
�When linking to your pages, use appropriate keywords in the anchor text (the words people click on). Do this for links throughout your site, and also on other peoples sites which link to yours. Vary the anchor text.
�For internal links, its better to use text than graphical links.
�Create a logical navigation system so that humans and search engines can easily find the content on your site.
�Get links from other sites to internal pages as well as to your main page.

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